Download WhatsApp Messenger for Meizu smartphones. The latest version of whatsapp has incorporated end to end encryption in its features which makes the sharing of text messages, voice messages and voice calls absolutely secure. Only the persons communicating can access the data that is being shared between them with no third person allowed, not even the whatsapp company itself. Another recent development in its camera feature allows users to draw or write and add emojis on photos and videos so that users can send more customized photos and videos in a fun way.
Whatsapp also allows its users to sync all of their chats to their computers so they can chat on any device as per their convenience.
Recently in the month of November, whatsapp has announced that it is going to make the feature of video calling available to its more than one billion monthly users. The statement on the whatsapp company’s official blog stated that they were excited to announce their next step in their efforts to connect people all over the world because sometimes voice and text are not enough and there is no substitute for video calling.
Whatsapp apk for Smartphone
Download Whatsapp for Meizu Android